Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Fees, cuts and rises in pay: David Eastwood shows the way

In a week that saw Fernando Torres move to Chelsea for a British record fee of £50m, it was also announced that the Vice Chancellor at Birmingham University received a stunning 11% rise to his pay, bringing it up to £392,000 "including pen­sion contributions". You may think the two are irrelevant, but they're not. They are both demonstrations of how, despite the recession and deep government cuts, those at the top continue to live on a different planet. 
I will not bother with footballers and their fees-the newspapers have dedicated much of their back pages to that nonsense. My main concern here is Mr Eastwood's pay rise at a time when schools and departments are being 'reviewed', staff are made redundant and the cuts are biting hard those at the bottom of the pile. 
According to a 2010 report, Mr Eastwood also enjoys: 
  • a university car (full of fuel) and a chauffeur
  • university accommodation including a gardener and cleaner (I suspect it's not one of the tiny rooms students pay through the nose for)
  • Credit cards and expenses
At the same time, all Birmingham University staff have received the princely pay rise of 0.4%, which for most people amounts to the price of a dodgy curry per month. 
The division here is clear. Mr Eastwood is not even performing a job. His is a vocation, a calling and a duty, a mission to make Birmingham the Barcl...sorry, Harvard of red brick universities. The services he provides the University are so invaluable that his salary and perks cannot of course come into question by anyone. On the other hand, a 0.4% rise in the pay of University staff (who also pay their own travel expenses, inflated public transport fees, fuel prices and taxes) is probably not necessary. Why oh why do we give a pay rise to people with a mortgage to pay, families to feed and clothe and the likes? 
No, the recipients of proper pay rises and perks should be the likes of Mr Eastwood. His duties and services to society and his institution are beyond doubt. He goes to meetings, gives speeches, cuts ribbons. His salary is not enough to ensure him a home, a car and fuel-the students need to pay for that. The man was on the committee which suggested that tuition fees should be tripled, stating that "[G]raduates should make a larger contribution to the cost of their higher education, which delivers higher lifetime earnings". This clearly worked really well for the man himself, as he himself STUDIED FOR FREE and look at what he takes home every Friday! Talk about bringing home the bacon, he brings home a fucking sausage factory. 
I hereby propose: 
  • all university staff should donate their 0.4% increments towards Mr Eastwood's professional expenses-his work is clearly more important than theirs
  • 10% of all top-up fees be channelled to Mr Eastwoods gardening and car pool, so that he can perform his duties even better
  • all working class pupils with aspirations should do a vocational course, in the hope that the ever-expanding Eastwood household can absorb them-know your place!
  • a significant percentage of the new super-profits should be channelled into hiring more security so that protesting students can be, ahem, collided accidentally with, more effectively
  • Mr Eastwood, like his namesake Clint, rides off into the sunset with the gold
That's all. Here's a nice reminder of how things should work:


The Happy Ape said...
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Stephen said...

It's about time someone stood up for this long forgotten repressed minority. For too long, the opulent rich have been mis-represented and ignored. Well done for championing the fine work done by these people.

I think it would be worthwhile starting up a Facebook campaign to get David's salary to the half million mark. I for one will give up my raise, salary, hell - even my job! - to see that he is amply rewarded.

Blackbeard said...

Indeed! Poor mis-represented people. I like the idea of a Facebook page, I wonder if there is one. As for the donation, I jumped the gun and had the curry last night, just in case ;-)